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Querying ❔

Matchers allow you to query the page or an element for the existence of certain elements.

Unlike assertions, they do not cause a test to fail, they instead return a Boolean value.

You can check the API Reference for information.

current_page.has_selector?('table tr')

form.has_button?(type: 'submit', disabled: false)

Custom Queries ❓

Just like with actions, it's often convenient to create more specific queries to encapsulate a certain check you need to perform.

class FormTestHelper < BaseTestHelper
  def can_save?
    has_button?(type: 'submit', disabled: false)


Query Caveats ⚠️

Capybara will retry a query until the expected condition is fulfilled, or the wait time runs out.

That means that the following are not equivalent (applies to all matchers and their negated version):

has_selector?('a') !== !has_no_selector?('a')
  • When using has_selector?:

    • If the link is found it will return true immediately.
    • If the link is not found, it will retry until it appears, or return false if it times out.
  • When using has_no_selector?:

    • If the link is found, it will retry until it disappears, or return false if it times out.
    • If the link is not found it will return false immediately.

For this reason, it's usually preferrable to use assertions instead whenever possible, since they provide simpler async semantics, as well as better error messages.