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Actions 🖱⌨️

All of the actions provided by the Capybara DSL are available to be used in test helpers.

You can check the API Reference for information about the available actions and their return value.

form.fill_in('Name', with: 'Alice')

Although it's possible to target specific elements and labels directly, it's often beneficial to encapsulate interactions to make them more semantic.

users.add_user(name: 'Alice')

By decoupling usage from implementation, tests become easier to understand, and require less frequent updates and less effort to update when needed.

Custom Actions ⚡️

You can create a custom action by defining an instance method in a test helper.

class FormTestHelper < Capybara::TestHelper
  def save

and then use it as:

Creating actions with descriptive names can make a test a lot easier to follow.

class UsersTestHelper < Capybara::TestHelper

  def add_user(name:)
    fill_in('Name', with: name)
users.add_user(name: 'Alice')

You may purposefully return self on some of your actions to allow chaining other methods.

Finding the Right Balance ⚖️

Too many hardcoded labels can make tests brittle and time consuming to update. Generic actions can hide the intent behind the test making it obscure and hard to understand.

On the other hand, too much abstraction can create unnecesary levels of indirection.

It's up to you to figure out the right balance between using direct references to labels and selectors or creating more specific actions that describe a use case or interaction.