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Getting Started ๐Ÿš€

If you have used Capybara before, using Capybara Test Helpers should feel very natural.

Every single method in the Capybara DSL is available in test helpers, check the API Reference.

The advantage is that when we add test helpers to the mix, it becomes easier to encapsulate and modularize the interactions with different pages or UI components.

A Small Example ๐ŸŒ†

Let's say we have a list of cities, and we want to test the Edit functionality.

We can create an RSpec feature or system test to make sure things are working as expected.

RSpec.feature 'Cities', test_helpers: [:cities] do
  let!(:nyc) { cities.given_there_is_a_city('NYC') }

  before { visit(cities_path) }

  scenario 'editing a city' do
    cities.edit('NYC', with: { name: 'New York City' })
    cities.should_now.have_city('New York City')
See this test without test helpers
RSpec.describe 'Cities' do
  let!(:nyc) { City.create!(name: 'NYC') }

  before { visit(cities_path) }

  scenario 'editing a city' do
    within('.table.cities') {
      find(:table_row, { 'Name' => 'NYC' }).click_on('Edit')
    within('form') {
      fill_in 'Name', with: 'New York City'
      click_button(type: 'submit')
    within('table.cities') {
      expect(page).not_to have_selector(:table_row, { 'Name' => 'NYC' })
      expect(page).to have_selector(:table_row, { 'Name' => 'New York City' })

Now that we have a test with a clear intent, let's create a test helper to perform these interactions.

class CitiesTestHelper < Capybara::TestHelper

# Aliases: Semantic aliases for locators, can be used in most DSL methods.
    el: 'table.cities',

# Finders: A convenient way to get related data or nested elements.
  def row_for(name)
    within { find(:table_row, { 'Name' => name }) }

# Actions: Encapsulate complex actions to provide a cleaner interface.
  def edit(name, with:)
    form.within {
      fill_in 'Name', with: with[:name]

# Assertions: Check on element properties, used with `should` and `should_not`.
  def have_city(name)
    within { have(:table_row, { 'Name' => name }) }

# Background: Helpers to add/modify/delete data in the database or session.
  def given_there_is_a_city(name)
    City.create!(name: name)

Although it might seem overkill for this small example, using a test helper brings the test a lot of clarity, making it easier to understand and to maintain in the future.

The advantages of this approach become apparent when several scenarios work with the same elements, or when the interactions are complex.

Read on to find out more about test helpers.